CDPAP stands for Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program. It is a New York State Medicaid program which allows home care consumers to recruit, hire, and direct their own caregivers. One of the highlights of the program is that it allows consumers to hire family members and friends.
The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program is also a great option if you’re looking for a caregiver that you know. This program allows you to choose a friend or family member as your home care provider (once they get certified). We can help you get set up and settled from A to Z.
Get care from your loved one in just 3 Steps.
Enroll in Medicaid- If you want CDPAP, get Medicaid and then choose a PA. ( Consumer Directed Personal Assistant Program)
Choose a caregiver- You choose a caregiver: your daughter, son, relative, or friend. We come to your home to enroll you in the program.
You get care, they get paid- You get ongoing care from a person who loves you. They get peace of mind — because they’re getting paid for the care they give.
The following are some advantages of CDPAP:
- Close relatives such as children can get paid to provide care.
- Personal assistants are not required to have special certification or licensing.
- Personal assistants can administer skilled services such as wound care, giving insulin shots, and suctioning tracheostomies.